ror.schemas.common package#


ror.schemas.common.artifact_schema module#

class ror.schemas.common.artifact_schema.ArtifactSchema(source_schema: dataclass)[source]#

Bases: object

A simple dataclass schema which is supposed to only contain the perishable fields which where dropped from some source BaseSchema.

source_schema: dataclass#

ror.schemas.common.base_schema module#

class ror.schemas.common.base_schema.BaseSchema[source]#

Bases: object

BaseSchema is extended for any Input our Output dataclass for each stage, which implements a set of functions to get artifacts of the current stage (all fields which are perishable), and to get the carry over to some Output dataclass (fields marked as persistant).


>>> from dataclasses import dataclass
>>> from pypipeline.schemas import BaseSchema
>>> from pypipeline.schemas.fields import field_perishable, field_persistance

Which will enable you to define input or output dataclasses for your stage

>>> @dataclass
>>> class InputTest(BaseSchema):
>>>     A: str = field_persistance()
>>>     B: str = field_perishable()
>>> @dataclass
>>> class OutputTest(BaseSchema):
>>>     A: str = field_persistance()

Where Output does not contain field B as it is marked perishable in the input, and thus this data is only used in the computation for this stage and not propagated further from the output data of this stage.

get_artifact() ArtifactSchema[source]#

Constructs an ArtfifactSchema instance with the data which was marked as perishable from the instance of this dataclass, and implicitly deletes the perishable fields from this instance.


Dataclass containing the perishable data and additional meta-data.

Return type:


get_carry() dict[source]#

Returns a dictionary instance of this dataclass where all the perishable fields are removed from the dictionary.


Carry over dictionary without the perishable fields.

Return type:


Module contents#